Anadromous Fish Habitat and Hatchery Review
The Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program (YTAHP) is a direct result of the listing of Middle Columbia River Steelhead under the Endangered Species Act in 1999. Many factors, occurring over more than a century, have contributed to a decline in native salmonid populations. In the Yakima River Basin, restoring the quantity, quality, connectivity and functions of tributary habitat is a high priority for salmon and steelhead recovery.
The Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program fills a unique and important role in salmonid recovery by fostering a partnership between federal and state agencies, the Yakama Nation, non-profit groups, conservation districts, irrigation entities and private landowners to accomplish meaningful habitat restoration projects.
These are links that support the proposal being submitted by the YTAHP Core Team:
YTAHP Accomplishments 2002-Present
Cowiche MSA and Wenas MSA Proposed Projects (NYCD)
Caribou MSA and Naneum MSA Proposed Projects (KCCD)
YTAHP Biological Monitoring Report 2007
Geographic Review Recommendation 2013
Actual Project Cost Share 2007-2020